'www.blogging-it.com', 'name' => 'Blogging-IT', 'search' => 'head'), array('url' => 'www.google.de', 'name' => 'Google') ); $VERSION = '1.0'; $COL_RED = "31"; //bash color escape code $COL_GREEN = "32"; //bash color escape code $NEWLINE = "\n"; //new line character $spacer = -1; //default value for space size $default_exec_time = 100; //Default time (in seconds) to limit the maximum execution time $socket_timeout = 10; //default timeout (in seconds) for socket based streams $maxResponseTime=5; //warning if the response time is bigger $user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3'; //default user agent // ************* INIT ************* foreach ($websites as $j => $svr)$spacer = (strlen($svr['name']) > $spacer-10) ? (strlen($svr['name'])+10) : $spacer; ini_set('display_errors','Off'); ini_set("default_socket_timeout",$socket_timeout); ini_set('user_agent',$user_agent); set_time_limit($default_exec_time); // ************* METHODS ************* function colorize($text,$col){return "\033[".$col."m". $text. "\033[0m";} function showHeader(){return "\033[1m" . 'Website UP Checker ' . "\033[0m" . $VERSION . ' (last check: ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . ')';} function spacer($txt,$no){return str_pad($txt, $no, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);} function formatPing($ping){return " (" . spacer($ping,(strlen($ping)+(6-strlen($ping)))) . "ms) ";} function diffTime($start,$end){return round((array_sum(explode(' ', $end)) - array_sum(explode(' ', $start)))*1000);}; function searchString($fp,$searchKey){ if(empty($searchKey))return true; stream_set_blocking($fp, 0);$data = '';$found = false; while (!feof($fp) && !$found){$data .= stream_get_line($fp, 1024);$found = (strpos($data, $searchKey, 0) != 0) ? true : false;} return $found; } // ************* MAIN ************* echo showHeader(); echo $NEWLINE . $NEWLINE; foreach ($websites as $i => $serverInfos) { $statusMSG = ""; $statusType = 'OFFLINE'; $curURL = $serverInfos['url']; $curName = $serverInfos['name']; if(strpos($curURL, '://') === false){ $curURL = "http://" . $curURL; } $timestart = microtime(true); $http_response_header = null; $fp=fopen($curURL,"r"); $responseCodeOK = strpos($http_response_header[0], '200'); if($fp){ if($responseCodeOK != 0){ if(!searchString($fp,$serverInfos['search'])){ $statusMSG = 'Search-text not found'; $statusType = 'ERROR'; }else{ $statusType = 'ONLINE'; } } } $timeend = microtime(true); $ping = diffTime($timestart,$timeend); $toSlow = false; if(!$fp){ if($http_response_header[0] == false && ($socket_timeout*1000) < $ping){ $statusMSG = 'Timeout'; }else if($http_response_header[0]){ $statusMSG = $http_response_header[0]; }else{ $statusMSG = 'Unknown Error'; } $statusType = 'ERROR'; }else{ if(($maxResponseTime*1000) < $ping){ $statusMSG = ' - to slow - ' . $statusMSG; $toSlow = true; } } fclose($fp); $ping = formatPing($ping); $pingSpacer = strlen($socket_timeout*1000)+ 8; if($toSlow){ $ping = colorize($ping,$COL_RED); } $statusType = colorize($statusType . " ",($statusType == 'ONLINE') ? $COL_GREEN : $COL_RED); echo spacer($curName,$spacer) . spacer($statusType,18) . spacer($ping,$pingSpacer) . $statusMSG . $NEWLINE; } ?>